For all the comment and debate about what is wrong with our financial system, the government and mainstream media has carefully avoided pointing to the real cause of the problem.
The blame game is in full swing but the conspiracy of silence concerning the truth has been deafening.
What I am talking about here is the worlds best kept secret - something that when it was introduced went virtually unnoticed. It was a change so small and seemingly insignificant, that for several hundred years we accepted it as part of our everyday lives. And yet its impact has been greater than any other event in history.
Had it not occurred it is likely that our living standards would be between ten and a hundred times higher and poverty would have long gone. Inflation, deflation and unemployment would be words with which we are not familiar.
Social division, terrorism and war would be alien concepts and the political landscape would be unrecognisable. The twin tyrannies of corporate monopolies and a self serving government would not exist.
Our world would be based on co-operative ventures that respect individual freedoms and raise all life.
If you want to know why we have been plagued with a perverted money and banking system that causes poverty, chaos and conflict type: ‘I want the Earth plus 5%’ into your internet search engine and read the illustrated story by Larry Hannigan. It explains simply how the banking elite have enslaved the world with their ‘fractional reserve’ lending system. After reading it you will be outraged. So, email your MP and demand that this evil system be replaced with a sound (debt free) money system administered by a state owned and run ‘Peoples Bank’. For your MP’s contact details go to:
Together we can transform this World.
(c) Copyright 2009 Kim Andrew Lincoln
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