Saturday, 7 November 2009


Do not be alarmed by government scare stories concerning swine flu because a really serious pandemic is about to break out - an insidious disease called busybodyitus.

This condition is caused by governments who lavish increasing amounts of taxpayer money on trying to control every aspect of our lives and in so doing reduce our rights and standard of living. It is a complaint that will undoubtedly lead to a Great Depression.

Yes, Alistair Darling is at it again with an increase in the tax on flights, but this time he admits that it’s not meant to be a green - though it certainly is greedy.

Not content to take over 40% of our income in taxes he wants more money to balance his books. Having blown over a trillion pounds on the banking bailout, he is introducing more wealth sapping schemes to subsidise our floundering economy - including a 50% income tax rate, starting next April.

Every day we get poorer as this government mammoth grows fatter. As the number of quango’s increase, more busy bodies are taken on to boss us around and drain our freedoms and wealth away.

If we are to claw back our rights and riches, the operation and reach of government must be reined in. Government certainly has a role - as a regulator of the private sector and provider of essential services - but the simple truth is that it has become too big, too bossy and too costly.

We must stand together and halt the legions of state bureaucrats before we are overrun. Governments do not diet easily but for all our sakes this one needs to massively slim down.

I urge readers to write their own prescriptions for less government, more freedom and lower taxes before the next general election.

Kim Andrew Lincoln,
Telford, Shropshire, England
This is the unedited version of a letter I wrote that appeared in the reader’s letters section of the Shropshire Star daily evening newspaper on 6/11/2009.

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