The financial system is too important to our physical and spiritual wellbeing to be controlled by deluded bankers like Lloyd Blankfein, boss of Goldman Sachs, who in a recent press report claimed that his firm was doing ‘God’s work’.
I suggest the evidence is to the contrary and that banks like Goldman Sachs are working for the other guy – the one whom Archangel Michael kicked out of heaven because he had become so filled with pride that he was no longer prepared to serve humankind.
Spiritual pride and the corrupting influence of absolute power have wrought the downfall of many who thought they were too big to fall and is one of the reasons why our economy has been brought to the brink of ruin.
These ‘Masters of the Universe,’ have become so mired in the illusory world of mammon that they have lost touch with reality and forgotten how to serve the greater good.
By destabilising the financial system with ‘derivatives’, they have shrunk the economy and stolen jobs. That is not doing God’s work.
By manipulating the money supply they have engineered rises and falls in asset prices that have brought about massive transfers of wealth from private investors to the banks. This is not doing God’s work.
By enslaving the good people of this land with an ever increasing burden of interest payments they have created poverty and prevented sustainable economic growth. Again, this is not doing God’s work.
But if the government were to set aside self interest and place the power to create money in the hands of the people via a People’s Bank then this would be doing God’s work. And, if they made the charging of interest illegal, as Archangel Gabriel told the Prophet Mohammed to do, then I am sure that God would say that his work was being done and there would be much rejoicing in Heaven as there would on Earth.
Kim Andrew Lincoln
Telford, Shropshire, England
The above letter was published in the readers letters pages of 'Shropshire Star' daily evening newspaper on 20/11/2003 and 23/11/2009. The second appearance was in recognition of the fact that the letter won 'letter of the week' award.