Monday 7 December 2009


We cannot rebuild our economy until we treat the cancer that is killing it. That cancer is called the money and banking system.

The system was designed, not for the greater good - that is to create money as a medium of exchange and store of future value – but as a means to profit at our expense.

Nowadays banks create money electronically, literally out of thin air, by using debit and credit entries on computer screens. Money is created as loans (debt), but the interest charged is not created, so there is only ever enough money in circulation to repay the loan capital – not the interest.

This forces borrowers to compete for money to repay the interest on their loans. But it is impossible for everyone to repay the interest as the money to cover it was never created in the first place. So borrowers’, who default, may forfeit their possessions, giving banks real assets in return for money created out of nothing.

What is worse is the ‘fractional reserve’ lending aspect of this system, which permits banks to multiply their profits by lending up to nine times more than they receive in deposits. This plays havoc with the money supply because more (and sometimes less) money is created than is needed to buy the goods and services produced. The following example explains how this ‘profit multiplier’ works:

You would think that if banks charge 5% on loans and pay 3% to depositors their profit would be 2% but it’s not, its 42%. This is because for every £100 deposited, the bank only keeps £10 in reserve to cover their customer’s cash needs. The remaining £90 is lent out. The borrower takes their £90 loan and deposits it in a bank. The bank holds back 10% (£9) and lends the balance of £81. This process is repeated until the original £100 deposit has multiplied into £900 worth of loans generating £45 of interest. The bank paid out £3 interest on the original £100 deposit so their profit is £42 (42%).

This system destabilises the economy and makes it impossible to control. All our financial problems stem from it. Historically the charging of interest was illegal. Only when it is made so again can the real recovery begin.

(c) Copyright 2009 Kim Andrew Lincoln

For a comprehensive explanation of the history and operation of  the money, banking and  'fractional reserve' lending system please go to:

Thursday 3 December 2009


We are controlled through the money system
By greedy banks who dominate
But they have built a tower of Babel
That one day will disintegrate

Stop corruption of the money system
End this theft of our wealth by stealth
Abundance is our right in God’s Kingdom
In money, happiness and health

Perverted money – something for nothing
Reaping reward from other’s sweat
Stealing the value of people’s labour
With too much money, too much debt

It started out with the wars in Europe
How to pay for the crippling cost
A **clever banker set up the system
Ensuring that the people lost

We’re money slaves without understanding
Of how the systems’ robbed us blind
With penal taxation by inflation
And interest - that’s another crime

Money detached from things of real value
This system siphons wealth away
And we support it by working smarter
We need to find another way

What we want is a pure money system
Currency that is backed by gold
We say no to created inflation
We want money whose value will hold

Radical change needs Golden Age thinking
And laws that will these bankers shock
Wake up now see a system that’s failing
The money machine runs amok


We can put a stop to this funny money
We can bring an end to this anti - Christ tool
We can see what’s right with crystal clear vision
We can see a world with real money rules
We don’t want no more…
We don’t want no more…
We don’t want no more - of your funny money
We don’t want no more - of your funny money
We have had enough - of your funny money
We can see a world with real money rules
We don’t want no more - of your funny money
We don’t want no more - of your funny money
We have had enough - of your funny money
We can see a world with real money rules

(c) Copyright 2008 Kim Andrew Lincoln

** A. M. Rothschild is generally acknowledged as the founder
of ‘fractional reserve’ banking that has been the black heart of the
free world’s financial system since the Napoleonic Wars.

Sunday 29 November 2009


Given what is coming  to light in the IRAQ WAR public enquiry this song/poem is particularly apt...


PeaceMakers of Gaia
God gave us this Earth
And the choice to be more
With every rebirth
The wars we have started
Now we must end
BE Suns of our Father
Daughters and friends

The blindness of ego
Causes all wars
The Black and White thinking
That darkens our shores
War is a fog
On the light of our souls
See through the illusion
Be One with the Whole

War is the darkness
No gun can destroy
Only light can remove
The love we deploy
God never commanded
We kill in his name
No peacemaker sanctions
A bombing campaign

Peacemakers of Gaia
Don’t bend to the line
That war can bring peace
When war is a crime
Peacemakers of Gaia
Don’t let your sons fall
The grey thinking too
Makes losers of all

Peacemakers of Gaia
God’s children do bleed
With this hidden agenda
Of power and greed
The great beast is waiting
In the shadows to rise
Deny him his moment
Let peace be our prize

Peacemakers of Gaia
God won’t force your hand
Free will is the law
We must take a stand
For the peace flame to grow
Wipe war from your heart
When peace is within
Outside it will start

(c) Copyright 2006 Kim Andrew Lincoln

Tuesday 24 November 2009


I wrote this song/poem at the beginning of this year. It is my Christmas present to all who visit this blog. Have a wonderful Christmas


Part One 

As enlightenment comes
In all mansions we be
When we act with all care
More empowered are we

No protection we need
On our chest armour plate
Men at arms in the field
Navy ships laying wait

We are of pure light and we are of pure God
And nothing of Earth can kill this

Let your light rise this day
And your doubt fall away
As the clouds disappear
Let the sun light your way

Birth the babe in your arms
The Christ child - without fear
Manifest in your life
All the things you’ve held dear

Cradle him to your heart
All on Earth then forgive
Peace and love let it reign
In your life let him live

We are of pure light and we are of pure God
And nothing of Earth can harm this

Warriors of the Light
Cannot strike with a sword
Anger less we must fight
Adding not to world storms

We are of pure light and we are of pure God
And nothing of Earth can change this

At the apex we stand
Of a new Golden Age
And its faith that we need
Moving to the next stage

Without nets we must leap
With all love to transcend
Knowing peace will be there
A free world without end

We are of pure light and we are of pure God
Nothing of Earth can destroy this
This thought’s all we need, through our lives it is weaved
And nothing of Earth can harm this
We are of pure light and we are of pure God
And nothing of Earth can change this

Part Two

Give yourself a gift this Christmas
Give yourself the gift of peace
Give this gift with all your thinking
Give it with the words you speak

Give this peace in all your giving
Give this peace when you receive
Give yourself what Jesus gave us
Be yourself - the Prince of Peace

Give yourself the prize this Christmas
Give yourself the child within
Unwrap the clothes that kept him hidden
Let the Golden Age begin

(c) Copyright 2009 Kim Andrew Lincoln

Sunday 15 November 2009


For all the comment and debate about what is wrong with our financial system, the government and mainstream media has carefully avoided pointing to the real cause of the problem.

The blame game is in full swing but the conspiracy of silence concerning the truth has been deafening.

What I am talking about here is the worlds best kept secret - something that when it was introduced went virtually unnoticed. It was a change so small and seemingly insignificant, that for several hundred years we accepted it as part of our everyday lives. And yet its impact has been greater than any other event in history.

Had it not occurred it is likely that our living standards would be between ten and a hundred times higher and poverty would have long gone. Inflation, deflation and unemployment would be words with which we are not familiar.

Social division, terrorism and war would be alien concepts and the political landscape would be unrecognisable. The twin tyrannies of corporate monopolies and a self serving government would not exist.

Our world would be based on co-operative ventures that respect individual freedoms and raise all life.

If you want to know why we have been plagued with a perverted money and banking system that causes poverty, chaos and conflict type: ‘I want the Earth plus 5%’ into your internet search engine and read the illustrated story by Larry Hannigan. It explains simply how the banking elite have enslaved the world with their ‘fractional reserve’ lending system. After reading it you will be outraged. So, email your MP and demand that this evil system be replaced with a sound (debt free) money system administered by a state owned and run ‘Peoples Bank’. For your MP’s contact details go to:

Together we can transform this World.

(c) Copyright 2009 Kim Andrew Lincoln


Following the unprecedented meltdown of bank shares last week, there is a growing realisation that this financial crisis presents a golden opportunity to remove the iniquity of the fractional reserve banking system that is the root cause of nearly all our economic problems today.

Fractional reserve banking is like a pyramid selling scheme in that it relies upon the creation of ever increasing amounts of lending (debt) to sustain it, but because we now have too much debt and cannot pay it all back the system is collapsing under its own weight.

We need to re – establish a pure money system - backed by gold - where the amount of money in circulation is controlled, so that it equals the value of all goods and services in the economy. This matters because if too much money chases too few goods and services inflation results.

The present money system was designed specifically to create inflation which is, in effect, a hidden tax that governments use to extract more money from us than we realise.

It all started when the Kings of Europe wanted to fund a war with Napoleon but knew they could not raise the money they needed from taxes alone - because the people would not stand for it. So they allowed the banker, A. M. Rothschild to create a ‘fractional reserve’ banking system to provide them with the money they needed to fight their wars and then pass on the cost to the people through the inflation that this excess money system created.

Governments have been using this trickery ever since to hide the real cost of their over spending. In the UK we even have an inflation target of 2% per year! A pure money system, however, would eliminate inflation and enable us to benefit from the massive increases in living standards that new technological advances normally bring, but which have been denied us by the wealth sapping effects that inflation has had on our incomes since the time of Napoleon.

A pure money system ensures ever rising living standards because the value of money is constant while innovation and more efficient ways of working forces the price of goods and services down. The gap between the rich and poor is reduced and poverty is eliminated.

The establishment of a pure money system is the only long term solution to the massive deflationary pressures now building in the economy.

The question is do we have the resolve to force the banking powers to yield to the people’s best interests. Whatever we do a financial revolution is most certainly needed.

Published in the ‘LETTERS’ section of the Shropshire Star newspaper on 27/9/2008

(c) Copyright 2008 Kim Andrew Lincoln

Saturday 14 November 2009


Small to medium size businesses are the life blood of this country and yet they are being starved of the cash they need to survive. Despite the hundreds of billions of pounds of tax payers money that the government is pumping into the banking system to keep the wheels of commerce turning we are hearing stories of overdrafts called in, lending cut back and loan costs too high.

If the banks will not help hard pressed businesses through the recession tax payers should stop supporting them so that when the banks fail we can pick up their shares on the cheap and the whole banking system can then be redesigned to serve customers not shareholders.

And with command of the banking network the people - via state institutions like the Bank of England - would have full control of the money supply so that the flaws in the present ‘fractional reserve’ system could be removed and the foundations laid for sustainable economic growth.

Naturally this enterprise should operate on sound business lines, but the essential difference would be that the ‘People’s Bank’ would be run for the benefit of society as a whole and not to line the pockets of the power elite - as it is today.

I leave you with this chilling and apposite warning made by Thomas Jefferson in 1802:

'I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around the banks will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.'

Published in ‘LETTERS’ in the Shropshire Star newspaper on 11/11/2008

(c) Copyright 2008 Kim Andrew Lincoln

Friday 13 November 2009


Our economy is collapsing because the private banks that create most of the money in circulation have perverted the money system beyond its original intent and design.

Instead of money being a means to an end - as a medium of exchange and a store of future value - they have turned it into an end in itself. Whereas money was our servant, it is now our master as we have become debt slaves to the banking elite, who designed the present system for the purpose of stealing our wealth and exercising power and control over us.

Governments have acquiesced by allowing banks to create excess money by issuing credit (debt). About 97% of the money supplied is created in this way. And banks earn interest on every penny they lend.

The only money that banks do not profit from is notes and coins issued by the Royal Mint.

As Banks are allowed to lend ten to thirty times the value of their reserves, there is usually more money in circulation than is needed to buy the goods and services produced. This has caused the inflation that devalues our labour. And, as the price of things like houses has increased, we have been forced to spend a greater share of our income on interest, thus increasing bank profits.

The cumulative effect of the creation of all this excess money is that we are up to our necks in debt and can no longer to afford to pay the interest. The banks have run out of people to lend to, so the banking system is collapsing under its own weight.

If we had had a money system run in service OF the PEOPLE, FOR the PEOPLE and BY the PEOPLE we would not be facing any of these problems today.

Published in the ‘LETTERS’ section of the ‘Shrophire Star’  daily newspaper on 14/10/2008.

(C) Copyright 2008 Kim Andrew Lincoln

Monday 9 November 2009


The financial system is too important to our physical and spiritual wellbeing to be controlled by deluded bankers like Lloyd Blankfein, boss of Goldman Sachs, who in a recent press report claimed that his firm was doing ‘God’s work’.

I suggest the evidence is to the contrary and that banks like Goldman Sachs are working for the other guy – the one whom Archangel Michael kicked out of heaven because he had become so filled with pride that he was no longer prepared to serve humankind.

Spiritual pride and the corrupting influence of absolute power have wrought the downfall of many who thought they were too big to fall and is one of the reasons why our economy has been brought to the brink of ruin.

These ‘Masters of the Universe,’ have become so mired in the illusory world of mammon that they have lost touch with reality and forgotten how to serve the greater good.

By destabilising the financial system with ‘derivatives’, they have shrunk the economy and stolen jobs. That is not doing God’s work.

By manipulating the money supply they have engineered rises and falls in asset prices that have brought about massive transfers of wealth from private investors to the banks. This is not doing God’s work.

By enslaving the good people of this land with an ever increasing burden of interest payments they have created poverty and prevented sustainable economic growth. Again, this is not doing God’s work.

But if the government were to set aside self interest and place the power to create money in the hands of the people via a People’s Bank then this would be doing God’s work. And, if they made the charging of interest illegal, as Archangel Gabriel told the Prophet Mohammed to do, then I am sure that God would say that his work was being done and there would be much rejoicing in Heaven as there would on Earth.

Kim Andrew Lincoln
Telford, Shropshire, England

Saturday 7 November 2009


The idea that you can fix the economy and create sustainable economic growth without first dealing with the underlying causes of the problem is completely insane and yet that is what the government is doing and opposition parties are proposing. They serve a bitter soup, but with different spoons, when, in fact, a new course is needed.

No amount of policy tinkering will have the desired effect because all economic systems in use today are fundamentally flawed. None serve all the people all of the time, as wealth, privilege and political control are inevitably conferred on the few at the expense of the many.

In this country wealth is concentrated in the hands of the top 1% and our personal freedoms and democracy are continually being eroded. In accordance with the second law of thermodynamics, which states that all imperfect forms will eventually be broken down to their base state, our economy and society is on the verge of collapse.

Our salvation lies in the words of the great spiritual teachers like Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha and Krishna whose basic message was that we are individualisations of a greater whole and that we cannot raise ourselves up without first raising all life.

For our economy this means that we must embrace and enfranchise ALL members of society so that everyone has an equal opportunity to ‘multiply their talents’ without being exploited, oppressed or enslaved by any individual or organisation or by any imperfect mechanism built into the model.

It is a philosophy which states that personal freedom and abundance are our divine right but we cannot receive them at someone else’s expense.

I call this economic model ‘Enlightened Free Enterprise’ and believe that if it were adopted planet Earth would immediately enter into a new ‘Golden Age’.

Kim Andrew Lincoln
Telford, Shropshire, England
This is the unedited version of a letter I wrote that was published in the ‘Shropshire Star’ daily evening newspaper on 5th November 2009.


Do not be alarmed by government scare stories concerning swine flu because a really serious pandemic is about to break out - an insidious disease called busybodyitus.

This condition is caused by governments who lavish increasing amounts of taxpayer money on trying to control every aspect of our lives and in so doing reduce our rights and standard of living. It is a complaint that will undoubtedly lead to a Great Depression.

Yes, Alistair Darling is at it again with an increase in the tax on flights, but this time he admits that it’s not meant to be a green - though it certainly is greedy.

Not content to take over 40% of our income in taxes he wants more money to balance his books. Having blown over a trillion pounds on the banking bailout, he is introducing more wealth sapping schemes to subsidise our floundering economy - including a 50% income tax rate, starting next April.

Every day we get poorer as this government mammoth grows fatter. As the number of quango’s increase, more busy bodies are taken on to boss us around and drain our freedoms and wealth away.

If we are to claw back our rights and riches, the operation and reach of government must be reined in. Government certainly has a role - as a regulator of the private sector and provider of essential services - but the simple truth is that it has become too big, too bossy and too costly.

We must stand together and halt the legions of state bureaucrats before we are overrun. Governments do not diet easily but for all our sakes this one needs to massively slim down.

I urge readers to write their own prescriptions for less government, more freedom and lower taxes before the next general election.

Kim Andrew Lincoln,
Telford, Shropshire, England
This is the unedited version of a letter I wrote that appeared in the reader’s letters section of the Shropshire Star daily evening newspaper on 6/11/2009.

Thursday 5 November 2009

The creation of a PEOPLES BANK is called for

The Governor of the Bank of England is to be congratulated for criticizing the Government and Financial Services Authority (FSA) for their lack of control over the banks, but he does not go far enough.

As an industry insider, I despair at the way the FSA - an unaccountable quango staffed mainly by ex bankers - fails to provide any meaningful protection to the public. This is due in part to its cosy relationship with the banks.

It over-regulates firms that are in competition with the banks, but pose little risk, while giving free rein to investment bankers whose massive bets would have crashed the financial system had we not bailed them out.

These bankers have decimated our economy with their recklessness and greed and in so doing have forfeited their right to exist as privately owned and run businesses. If they are too big to fail then the taxpayer should own and control them.

I am sure I speak for most voters when I say to Gordon Brown that we have had enough of your ‘New World Order’ agenda of boom, bust and bureaucracy. We are fed up with high prices, high taxes and mass unemployment. We want a banking/money system that is capable of delivering sustainable economic growth and that can cure our present financial ills, as well as world poverty. We want these things because they are our divine right and because we know that they can easily be achieved. We demand that the tables be turned on the money changers and ‘fractional reserve’ lending. We desire a debt free, money system that serves everyone and releases the people from financial slavery. We call for the abolition of usury and the creation of a publicly owned Peoples’ Bank.

This letter was published in the 'Shropshire Star' daily evening newspaper on 27/10/2009