This blog is currently focused on exposing the debt based money and 'fractional reserve' banking system that has been the root cause of all the world's economic ills over the last 200 years. It is a companion to my website: (which has a similar aim) and a book I am writing entitled: 'A Golden Age Economy'. This book
explains that by adopting an economic model based on 'ENLIGHTENED FREE ENTERPRISE' we can create the conditions that will allow all people who multiply their talents to receive the abundant life.
I am available to GIVE TALKS and INTERVIEWS and share my ideas on how we can create 'A GOLDEN AGE ECONOMY' and to comment on the current economic crisis. To contact me please send me an email stating your name, phone number and the organisation you represent and I will get back to you to discuss your requirements.
And to stop the content from becoming too heavy you will also find some of my song lyrics and poetry which mainly cover the more spiritual side of life... Namaste.